EnglandFroob3 months ago

Hello! Thank you for being patient while we set up the Infinite Wealth leaderboard. With the sheer content this game has it has taken us a little bit longer to work everything out with some...Very interesting stipulations. Namely - the sheer amount of DLC this game has. Allow me to clarify why the DLC is banned for base any% runs

In Yakuza: Like a Dragon the DLC jobs weren't considered for Any% by runners because they would have taken so much in terms of time and resources to become viable that they were actually worse for the speedrun. With the way Infinite Wealth works this is slightly different. You could very easily get a weapon for said DLC classes and immediately make it viable. Because of this for base Any% the DLC jobs will be banned; however this is not to say we are opposed to having an any% w/DLC category! No one is currently running with the DLC jobs and if you want too then submit a proof of concept run (from start to finish) with the DLC jobs either in this post or in the discord and we'll consider adding a specific any% with DLC category. This would however be specifically the jobs. The biggest issue is unfortunately the image below.

These DLCs/Microtransactions are currently flat out banned in the speedrun. For most of the boosters you can actually ignore them in your inventory as they're very clearly labeled and we would know if they were used; however there are a couple of these packs that are imbalanced for the speedrun - specifically Dondoko Island and the Gearworks Crafting Sets.

These sets give you either the materials necessary in Dondoko Island to get a guarenteed 1 star (and potentially 2 star) on the first or second day. Currently in the run Dondoko 1 star is routed in for the $10,000 reward that goes greatly towards the speedrun. With the route it is actually partially RNG and with these materials activated by default you can bypass a lot of this and make it unfair towards runners who do not own these microtransactions.

Similarly the Gearworks Crafting Sets give you a multitude of extra materials that are single use. The issue stems from those materials being automatically used first. This creates a massive imbalance because if you own this DLC then you can craft an extremely strong weapon straight away that runners who do not own this microtransactions cannot. This is the other imbalance.

Hopefully this sheds some light on the reasons that these microtransaction/dlc boosting sets are banned. Unfortunately there is one casualty of this dlc - the Playstation 4 version. Other runners have confirmed that this DLC can be turned off on every single console and PC apart from the PS4. If you own the PS4 version and these microtransactions and want to run the game unfortunately the only way to remove it is to delete the game and redownload just the base game with none of the dlc/sets. Whilst we haven't had many runners for LAD on PS4 we do not want to seperate anyone from being able to run this game on whatever platform they prefer. I'm sorry that this is the only way to make PS4 runs fair towards other runners, but every other console and PC can disable the DLC (Please see the rules as to how to do so if you're worried about accidently having it enabled.

Thank you for your patience in waiting for the boards to open. We hope you enjoy speedrunning Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

streetbackguy likes this
EnglandFroob9 months ago

Hello, we are implimenting a new rule for Yakuza 0 PC runs. It is as follows:

For PC runs, you MUST use the provided load remover by Livesplit. An FPS counter must also be visible. The games FPS counter located in the options, Steam's in-game FPS counter, RTSS via MSI Afterburner, or other FPS counters are acceptable as long as they are actively measuring the game's frame rate.

For console runs nothing has changed; however the wording of the timing for you to submit too has changed to "Real Time Attack" and the language used in the rules has been reflected accordingly. Nothing else has changed for console runs.

EnglandFroob1 year ago


We're currently in the processing of testing settings (accessability, frame specific stuff) as this is a new engine and we might have to do things differently to the Dragon Engine.

Until then please make sure you have an FPS counter on runs if you're on PC for potential future submissions. We should hopefully open up for submissions within the week.

Thank you for your patience!

EnglandFroob2 years ago

In light of the recent firestorm of new Kiwami 2 records, we've decided to enforce a 60FPS cap rule on the leaderboard. Having spoken to active K2 runners about it, the mood in the room seems to be that it makes the game less competitive and more full of unfun nonsense (scrollwheel for mashing). Speedrunning purity wank aside, the point of playing games is to have fun, and the point of a leaderboard is to foster competition. allowing high frame rate seems to narrow the field for who can compete while also not making the game any more enjoyable.

Going forward all PC runs must be done at 60FPS. To ensure this is met fairly all runs submitted from today MUST include an FPS counter. The preferred FPS counters are either Steams built in FPS counter or RivaTuner. Your FPS counter MUST be shown on screen at all times. Failure to do so or going over the 60FPS cap will result in an instant rejection of your run.

K2's ingame framecap is still notoriously broken therefore capping your GPU for the game properly at 60FPS is still allowed (For those who do not know the ingame FPS cap does not work properly for the majority of players. If you set your ingame FPS cap to 60 it will instead cap it at 40 instead.)

Console runs are unaffected by this rule change.

notxplay, RyuHousen, and Oldrd like this
EnglandFroob2 years ago

So hopefully this will be the last time, but Kiwami's rules need a little more description as the high FPS shenanigans affect a couple of the runs, especially Legend difficulty.

Going forward the leaderboard will be changed for PC runs to reflect 60fps/240fps. The community has agreed to not go over 240fps as going over would require you to edit the ini and that should not be allowed. When the leaderboard changes all runs will be put into the 240fps category by default and 240fps will be the main board for Kiwami PC runs. Locking it to 60fps allows the game to function normally, such as bosses having their HP regens during their Kiwami phases etc.

All runs should be FPS locked via In Game means only. No third party programs.

To reflect this every PC run will need the in-game FPS counter going forward. You can turn it on via the menu. We're aware the ingame counter will spike up slightly over 240 fps. This will not invalidate your run. It will be very obvious if the ini has been messed with and if there are any concerns about your run a member of the moderation team will be in contact with you.

The leaderboard visual change will take a few days to go through as speedrun[dot]com will likely make me move every run manually. We should also say as a general announcement for the entire Yakuza series - Commenting on runs is turned off and will be turned off for the future. With how badly this feature was implimented and how open to abuse this is the mods do not want to deal with manually having to check all the runs over the series. If you want comments turned off for your runs in general outside of the Yakuza series you can do so via the Privacy menu of your SRC profile.

There are no changes as far as console runs go. The leaderboard rules will be reflected in time to recognise these changes, but for now if you're running PC consider this the official ruleset.

Delk likes this
EnglandFroob2 years ago

Going forward all PC Yakuza Kiwami runs will require the in game FPS counter to be shown from this point on.

Through lots of testing by the community it's been found that the HP cancelling is actually caused by high FPS. The higher your fps the more Yakuza Kiwami breaks. Therefore the next couple of days there are going to be several changes:

  1. The boards will be updated to reflect a new variable - 60/240FPS. It was agreed that 240 should be the higher end of the FPS and 60FPS makes it so that the game responds in the normal way that it should (bosses regen hp, etc.)

  2. All runs on PC from this point on are required to show the FPS counter. If you run exceeds 240FPS it will be automatically rejected. If you submit to 60FPS and it exceeds 60FPS then it will either be moved to 240FPS or rejected.

You do not need to download an external program to show the FPS. Yakuza Kiwami has a built in FPS counter that you can turn on in the options menu. Please use this rather than any third party ones.

This does not apply to console runs.

EnglandFroob2 years ago

As of 13th June 2021 timing on Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami for PC are now both done via Loadless. If you are doing a run on PC submitting via loadless then the loadless timer must be on PC at all times. You can have an optional real time timer if you so desire.

These changes do not change anything timing wise for console. Please submit Console runs "with loads"

EnglandFroob3 years ago

As of today the Yakuza Community has agreed that if you get the message about the amulet when you fire up Yakuza Kiwami then you can start your timer at the difficulty selection with -6 seconds on it to reduce the time loss from it.

This does not affect anyone who does not get the message and it also does not affect console runners because the message on console can be skipped manually.

Said Amulet is still considered not to be used in runs.

I will be going over all of the current runs on the leaderboard tonight that contain said message and manually removing those 6 seconds.

BigNoNo likes this
EnglandFroob4 years ago


A couple of us in the community have been talking for a while (cough a year or two cough) about setting up a community discord for Yakuza speedrunning. We appreciate how hard it can be for newcomers to the series who want to get into speedrunning to actually jump in and be able to find a place with resources and be able to ask questions - so we finally got around to it! is the link. In doing this we already have a couple of guides out and available (Any% and NG+ for Yakuza Kiwami, Any% for 3 and Any% for 4 is being actively re-routed, with 5 to be routed next month) as well as multiple places you can ask questions about any of the runs. This will also hopefully push others to make guides for some of the other runs in the series (cough me cough) so don't be shy and come ask us if you have any questions about the runs!

EnglandFroob5 years ago

Alrighty looks like we need to talk about the future of the run!

Currently it's not out yet and we might have to wait until the game is out to see how these "original episodes" go in regards to affecting the speedrun. I'm personally probably not coming back to running the game even when it does come out, but i'm more than happy to keep moderating the leaderboards. We'll need to figure out as a community what the best course of action towards these new missions are. If they're a seperate menu option do we make them their own leaderboard? If they come after the end of the current run do we add them to the current Any%, or do we split the current Any% and make a new category - something like Season 3%? Or maybe even branch it off and make it its own leaderboard?

We'll likely need to wait till July to figure out what the best course of action is, but let me know your thoughts

EnglandFroob5 years ago

Alright got the leaderboards up and going. Want to apologise for layout a little. I wanted both Any% and All Street Bosses to both be under one Majima Saga banner, but somethings a bit bugged and any runs submitted to All Street Bosses weren't showing up. Clearly a setting I messed up so hopefully I can figure that out and clean things up a little!

As far as Categories go we've got the usual. Any% is the main game. The usual applies, pick your difficulty, make sure you show it and then start the timer when the screen fades to black. Unlike other games in the series there isn't a good starting point, hence why I made it the fade to black. If you have any thoughts about this and if there's a better place to start it, please let me know. As the leaderboards took a while to set up I know some people might have different starting times for their splits, so I can easily re-time myself. As of the future though we'll go from screen fade out unless others have any better thoughts. You must show the difficulty you've selected in the vod at least and IGT is still not a reliable measurement of time so we'll still be using real time.

The Majima Saga is where things get exciting and different. We've gotten ourselves a cute little run that doesn't take too long and could be highly competitive (Hence the need for Milliseconds!). For now i've set up Any%, which is your usual get to the end as fast as possible, and All Street Bosses which requires you to beat all the optional Street Bosses before you finish the game. Current ruling is that you do not need to collect the reward for beating All Street Bosses as i'm contemplating potentially a third category that would be either "100%" or "Kiryu Foundation" or something that requires you to fund all of the optional Kiryu stuff. 100% would need defining by the community, considering you can do a lot of the side activities as Majima. Would you need to eat at all the eateries, get the unique baseball rewards, etc etc. Hence why i've not set this up and just left it as Any% and All Street Bosses until we get some community consensus. Let me know what you think about a more fuller category!

As far as other categories go if there's demand (and by demand I mean do a run, post a vid and i'll get a leaderboard up!) we could set up a "Majima+Kiryu" category, where you run the Majima Saga first then run normal Any% afterwards. Only thing that would be awkward would be different difficulty levels. There's no Legend for Majima for example and you could easily change to Easy if you wanted when swapping between categories so...Not quite sure what the answer to this would be. Another community decision (say you run Majima on hard you'd have to stick to hard/Legend for Any% for example? Let me know!)

EnglandFroob5 years ago

For the launch of the PC version of Yakuza 0 real soon what i'm planning on doing is just enabling PC as a submission option to the existing leaderboard. From what we've seen from early reviews it doesn't seem like too much differs and it doesn't seem like higher FPS is causing anything that console can't do. If it turns out that there are things that pc can do which console can't (Like say skip cutscenes that console can't) then i'll seperate the leaderboard via console and pc, but for now it seems like it'll be fine to have them both together. The PC version has a FPS counter in the options by default which shouldn't need to be on, but if we have to limit future PC runs to 60fps (like for example with Nier Automata) then at that point it'll become a requirement, but for now it should be fine being off.

In regards to mods, my thought is to have them banned until we can review whether or not mods alter the gameplay in anyway, such as speeding things up illegitimately or causing other advantages that shouldn't happen. Once we know the full extent of whether stuff like model swaps or soundtrack changes don't impact gameplay then they might be allowed, but for now mods will not be allowed.

IGT will still not be brought back as I don't see it changing from how broken and easy it is to manipulate as on console. I'll do some testing and if they've actually fixed IGT to be an accurate representation then i'll enable it for PC runs. But for now, real time stands just like console and the other Yakuza games.

EnglandFroob6 years ago

With regards to categories with Attack on Titan 2, I have made any% go to the very final level - Nameless Hero. The weird part is that the mission before this has it's own credit roll, but unlike Attack on Titan 1 there is no required optional grinding to access this level, so it made more sense to call the final level as any%. 100% would be a totally different thing with equipment and squad friendship levels. Plus it feels weird to have a category for say "Season 2%" that stops literally 5-10 minutes before the end of the final level.

I am considering adding a "Female Titan%" or "Season 1%" that would stop on the final hit of the same level of the end of Attack on Titan 1 - Soldier's Dance. My reasons being that this run would be a nicer entry point for those coming into the run as it would stop about an hour-an hour and a half earlier.

As far as when to start the timer, I currently feel it's best to start the timer when Start Game is hit. However there is a scripted part for the first 2-3 minutes before it goes into the character creator. This same scripted part actually appears again later in the run. If there is no way to make it faster and if people would prefer then I would be happy to consider the start point after entering the name of your character in the character creation.

As far as other categories go I was very hopeful for the story COOP that was announced before the game came out; however as it currently stands the only way to do coop is to randomly matchmake and there is no lobby for friends or a guaranteed way to get friends into the same game. If there is demand i'm more than happy to make categories for coop runs, but as of right now i'm not sure how it works out with this weird game design.

There are also other modes such as Inferno mode that could be made into a leaderboard and NG+ could certainly be achieved by using the NPC in the town to select previous levels. All Scouting Missions could be another.

Again let me know either here or contact me in a different method if you have thoughts or ideas about leaderboards we could add. I'm usually fairly open and easy to reach!

EnglandFroob6 years ago


Just curious, can we get different difficulty categories? Planning on doing my first run tonight and wanted to do normal for a bit of extra challenge, but obviously it'll be slower than easy. I must admit i'm also guilty of doing this with Dead Souls (although the fast we get through Dead Souls the better!) so I understand if we just stick to easy.

Also as a quick question, can we get a NG+ category as well? I'm definitely gonna do a few runs of it to see how much quicker it goes. It's a shame it doesn't follow Dead Souls which skips a few tutorials sadly

EnglandFroob6 years ago

Feel free to let me know if you want other categories or modifications to existing categories.

I haven't done seperate difficulties as I imagine most people will run easy as it's faster than the others; however I'm more than willing to split up the categories into difficulties if people want some more options/diversity.

If anyone is interested in some other potentially fun runs such as All Substories or 100% then let me know and we'll get that set up too.

EnglandFroob7 years ago

I was trying to wrack my brain on how this would be doable earlier while playing.

The trouble is if you do it from a ng file the grind that comes after the first set of credits is pretty huge (like...51%+ in each of the survey areas? Definitely higher than 50) and the trouble with having a save already is there could be differences with people's equipment etc. But it still feels like the easier way being able to select it from the list?

If you want, I can try and do a basic run for it when i've done a any% Female Titan run, see how long it'll take? I assume a few hours either way.

One last question, and this is probably a horrific one, would a True Attack mode leaderboard (the mode unlocked after colossal) work at all? I assume not or maybe a misc category?

About Froob
8 years ago
Games run
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Last run 1 year ago
Grief Syndrome
Grief Syndrome
Last run 5 years ago
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Last run 10 months ago
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 0
Last run 2 years ago
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Last run 1 year ago
Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin)
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza Kiwami
Last run 3 years ago
Last run 1 year ago
Games followed
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Last visit 4 months ago
Yakuza: Dead Souls
Yakuza: Dead Souls
Last visit 7 months ago
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza Kiwami
Last visit 7 months ago
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 0
Last visit 7 months ago
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Last visit 7 months ago
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Last visit 7 months ago
Yakuza Ishin
Yakuza Ishin
Last visit 8 months ago
Yakuza: Kenzan
Yakuza: Kenzan
Last visit 8 months ago
Games moderated
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Last action 3 days ago
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza Kiwami
Last action 3 days ago
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 0
Last action 15 days ago
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
Last action 6 months ago
Yakuza: Dead Souls
Yakuza: Dead Souls
Last action 5 days ago
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Last action 23 days ago
Yakuza: Kenzan
Yakuza: Kenzan
Last action 1 year ago