Pixel Perfect Marathon 4 Submissions Now Open!

Pixel Perfect Events are kicking off 2024's calendar with Pixel Perfect Marathon 4. Taking place on the weekend of 22nd-23rd June, submissions are open to all runs and showcases!

Pixel Perfect Marathon 4 Submissions Now Open!
Publicerad 1 month ago

Pixel Perfect Events are kicking off our 2024 calendar with Pixel Perfect Marathon 4 (PPM4) on the weekend of 22nd-23rd June! Submissions are open to all runs and showcases. We want to spotlight races and co-op runs for PPM4, so submitting one will yield a higher chance of acceptance.

Pixel Perfect Events is a speedrunning and game showcase community. We're dedicated to hosting quality events that bring video game entertainers and lovers from all backgrounds together to celebrate the video games we love, and the feats we love to show off!

Our team shares many years of organizing experience across various marathon communities. As such we've developed our own in house tools to provide runners with a slick and simple setup with sub-second latency streams, tools for volunteers of every experience, and viewers with a high quality stream they'll love watching.

PPM4 marks our final marathon that's just for fun. Whilst we've loved having the opportunity to give our runners and volunteers a marathon free from not having to focus on donations and targets, we're now preparing to have the organisation officially recognised to raise money for charity in future events.

Submitting on Oengus

Submissions can be made on our Oengus page.

500 characters to describe your game and 300 characters for each category doesn’t leave much space to discuss why your run is cool, what motivated you to submit it, or the community around it. So we’re asking some extra questions for you to recommend your favorite and shout out your community. Write your heart out or keep it simple - we look forward to your answers!

Further submission and streaming requirements are advised on the Oengus page. Submissions close on Saturday 18th May at 17:59 EDT/23:59 CEST


The exact timing of the marathon will depend on the submissions and volunteers. We can start on Friday, or even run for 24 hours if we have your help!

For tech, this will be our first event using our final NodeCG experience that can fully control OBS (to the extent we need) from a remote browser. That means our tech volunteers will have access to scenes, audio, and live views of the OBS Preview and Program, all from one browser page! We can’t wait to see how our PPM4 tech crew get on with the system - we’re pretty confident it’ll be one of the easiest models out there! Hosts get access to this as well so they have some control over the stream, mainly the changing between intermission and runs, and controlling the on-screen timer. We feel it's important that hosts actually take some control, it's your moment to shine, so take charge of it!

If you're considering volunteering and have questions or want to demo our setup before signing up, give us a shout! Our volunteer guides are also available to read on our website. Submissions for hosting, tech checks, stream tech, and social media can be made through our Volunteer Application Form.


Website - Twitch - Twitter - Discord - YouTube - Bluesky

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